Penina Orenstein, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computing and Decision Sciences
Department of Computing and Decision Sciences

Hired in 2006, Dr. Orenstein is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences at Seton Hall’s Stillman School of Business, and the Academic Director for the Master’s Program in Business Analytics.  Dr Orenstein teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses, Quantitative Methods for Business, Management Science and Supply Chain Management. 

Dr. Orenstein has introduced an undergraduate certificate in Supply Chain Management and has been responsible for the creation and deployment of a new concentration in Supply Chain Management at the MBA level. Her research focus is on the topological structure of supply networks. Her research has appeared in the Journal of Networks and Spatial Economics and in the Journal of Information Systems and Operations Research (INFOR).  She has also presented her work at various conferences including POMS, INFORMS, MSOM and the SCMA. 

In 2016, her research idea on the topological structure of supply networks attracted international attention by winning the 2016 Best Paper Award at SCMA 2016. In 2018, she won the University Research Council award for her work on digital mapping of supply chain networks. In 2021 she was awarded the University’s Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge Grant Award for a joint research project on the impact of COVID-19 on the financial performance of supply chain networks.