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Seton Hall University
Collage of Seton Hall Parents

Seton Hall Parents Tips for Parents

Your student is about to begin an exciting new journey. While you will be with your student every step of the way, your role is going to change. You will move from leading your student to guiding your student, from running the plays to being the coach. We hope the resource you find throughout this site will answer your questions, and even more importantly, it will provide you with information to encourage your student to make the most of his/her experience at Seton Hall University.

An Overview of Parents

Tips for Parents

Seton Hall offers practical tips parents can use right now to help navigate the college adventure.

News, Events and More

Seton Hall To Be Featured on Amazon Prime

Seton Hall To Be Featured on Amazon Prime

As part of Season 9, The College Tour follows 10 Pirates who uncover the University's remarkable tapestry, celebrating its legacy, diversity and dedication to holistic education, where intellectual growth, innovation, and community engagement are seamlessly intertwined.

Professor helping student

Academic Support

Your student's first year is critical to his/her academic success.  This is the time students need to lay a solid foundation and develop the skills that will serve them through graduation.  Knowing how important the first year is to our students, Seton Hall has several programs to support our students.  First, is The Department of Language, Literatures and Cultures offers free tutoring for all the foreign languages that are taught at SHU. Tutors in Residence bring tutoring and academic assistance to where students live, right in the residence halls, to make getting help even easier. 


Residence Life

Living on campus is an enriching experience for students. The residence halls are far more than a place to sleep - this is where students learn and experience some of the lessons and skills that will last them far beyond graduation. Our professional and paraprofessional staffs live in residence with our students to provide support 24 hours per day. The residence hall community is further served by the Priests and Missionaries who live in the halls and encourage students to explore their faith development. As safety of our students is very important, the halls have controlled access and state of the art alarm systems.

Presidents Hall

Public Safety & Security

The men and women of the PirateAlert which sends a text message to their phone. 

Andrea Constandis

Health & Wellness

Keeping students healthy in body and mind is key to helping them succeed academically. Campus Counseling and Psychological Services provides counseling, crisis intervention and consultation to foster the psychological health of students. The staff consists of licensed psychologists who specialize in the needs of college students.

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