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The Center for Catholic Studies

Faculty Development

Since its founding, the Center for Catholic Studies has focused on ongoing faculty development programs that explored the meaning of the University.

In an article on the Catholic University, Bernard Lonergan wrote that the "constitutive endowment" of the university "...lies not in buildings or equipment, civil status or revenues, but in the intellectual life of its professors.  Its central function is the communication of intellectual development."

"The Catholic University in the Modern World," from
Collection, Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan 4,
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988, 111.

Faculty Summer Seminars

Since 1998, the Center for Catholic Studies has sponsored Faculty Summer Seminars. The aim of these seminars is to engage the Seton Hall faculty in interdisciplinary dialogue on issues of humanistic and religious importance. Read more about Faculty Summer Seminars »

Annual Faculty Summer Seminars 1998-2020
Faculty Development

Access Faculty Seminar Publications »

Ethics and Economics Form

The Ethics and Economics Forum is an interdisciplinary effort, sponsored by the Department of Religion and the Bernard J. Lonergan Institute and Micah Institute for Business and Economics of the Center for Catholic Studies to bring together faculty and others for conversations on economic justice.

Praxis Program on the Advanced Seminar on Mission

In Spring 2013, the Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership (CVSL) initiated the Praxis Pilot of the Advanced Seminar on Mission, co-sponsored with the Center for Catholic Studies (CCS), the Bernard J. Lonergan Institute. The Praxis Program is an advanced faculty development program designed to foster personal, professional, organizational and institutional development for faculty and administrators at Seton Hall, who are graduates of two previous mission seminars. It was designed to answer the participants’ question: how do I apply the learnings of the Advanced Seminar on Mission to my disciplines/professions in light of the mission of Seton Hall University?

With over 60 faculty participating overall, and currently preparing for Cohort 5 in Spring 2018, the program's purpose is to engage faculty and administrators in a process of peer mentoring and curricular/co-curricular support designed to apply the mission of the University to their respective disciplines and departments, through a method which connects the disciplines to each other, to an integrated understanding of knowledge, and to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.