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Seton Hall University

People to Talk to First

It’s important to think through all options and have all the information you need before making the decision to withdraw. The following people can assist you with that. Have you talked to:

  • Your Parents? Depending upon your situation, they may be a good resource to help you weigh your options and provide support.
  • Your Academic Adviser? If you’re struggling with classes your adviser can connect you with campus resources for tutoring, academic assistance, information about course withdrawal, etc.
  • Financial Aid Office? They will help to answer any questions you have about the consequences of withdrawing on your scholarship, your loans, or other aid you may be receiving. 
  • The Bursar’s Office? They can review the refund policy with you and answer general account balance questions.
  • The Dean of Students Office? The folks in this Office are a good resource for general questions about the withdrawal process or options you may want to consider instead of withdrawing.