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College of Arts and Sciences
History Book

Mission Statement  

Mission Statement  

The mission of the College of Arts and Sciences is to provide a learning, teaching and research environment that informs and promotes the Catholic mission of Seton Hall University. Based on a liberal arts course of study that is grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition, the College fosters a value-centered, technologically enhanced education that enables the personal and professional development of its community of learners. As the oldest and largest academic unit at Seton Hall University, the College is committed to promoting excellence in a rich and diverse academic environment, embodied throughout the distinctive undergraduate, graduate and professional education it provides our students. 

Vision Statement  

The College of Arts and Sciences will be recognized as a premier academic unit among Catholic universities. Focusing on the intellectual, personal and spiritual development of its students, the College will integrate opportunities for academic excellence and servant leadership in all its endeavors, providing a distinctive learning experience on campus and in local and international environments.

Community of Learners 

The College of Arts and Sciences is home to over 4,000 dedicated  learners, students and faculty engaged in one of the most rewarding pursuits - knowledge. Through the incorporation of technology into the curriculum, the College seeks to enhance and enliven the learning environment. Rooted in tradition, yet looking to the future, the College offers a rich set of opportunities for intellectual discovery.