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Market Research

Market Research

The undergraduate certificate in market research is made up of a total of 12 credits (four, 3 credit courses). The certificate prepares students for careers in marketing or market research that focus on the collection, analysis and implementation of market research insights and data to make better business decisions. The different roles of qualitative and quantitative research are explored through a mix of projects incorporating the Market Research Center at the Stillman School of Business.


Students will be required to take each of the following 2 courses
Course ID Course Name Offered
BMKT 2601 Principles of Marketing Fall and Spring
BMKT 3611 Marketing Research Fall and Spring

Students must complete 2 of the following courses:

Course ID Course Name Offered
BITM 3744 Business Intelligence Spring
BITM 3741 Supply Chain Management Fall and Spring
BMKT 4640 Building and Maintaining Strong Brands Periodic
BMKT 4641 Competitive Intelligence Periodic
BMKT 4639 Digital Marketing Periodic
BMKT 4699 Directed Research/ Marketing With Approval
BMKT 4634 Marketing Metrics Spring
BMKT 4633 Product Management and Development Periodic
BMKT 4612 Qualitative Market Research Fall
BITM 3741 Supply Chain Management Fall and Spring
BMGT 4560 Project Management Fall and Spring
COPR 2135 Public Relations Research Fall and Spring


How to Apply?

When enrolled in the final course to complete the Market Research Certificate requirements, please click below and complete the application form.

  Application Form

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