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Seton Hall University

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989 requires an institution of higher education to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. The following describes the Act's provisions.

As a part of its drug prevention program for students and employees, Seton Hall University annually distributes the following information to students and employees:

  • standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on its property or as part of any of its activities;
  • a description of applicable local, state or federal legal sanctions pertaining to the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  • a description of health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
  • a description of available drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation and re-entry programs; and
  • a clear statement of the disciplinary sanctions that the University will impose on students and employees who violate the standards of conduct.

The University will conduct regular reviews of its drug prevention program to determine its effectiveness, implement needed changes and ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

Compliance with Federal Law and Statutes

  • The sale, provision, serving, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Seton Hall campuses are regulated by federal and state laws and by local ordinances. All members of the university community are obligated to obey these laws, regulations, and ordinances. The university does not have the authority to alter the laws or secure exemption from them. Members of the university are individually responsible for determining how applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances apply to them, and for obeying them. New Jersey Underage Drinking Law »
  • As an institution of higher education and an employer, Seton Hall is obligated to abide by and enforce provisions in the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Drug Free School and Campus Act, and State of New Jersey Statutes.
  • University police officers, in the performance of their duties as assigned, are exempt from relevant provisions of this policy in specific situations and are regulated by state law and departmental policy

Community Standards (Standards of Conduct)

Seton Hall University student and employees are subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations, as well as all Seton Hall University drug and alcohol policies, including policies outlined in Seton Hall University’s Policies and Procedures and other applicable rules and policies, when adopted.

Student Information

Seton Hall University prohibits the use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by University regulations), or public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age. Seton Hall University Community Standards

Employee Information

Seton Hall University policy states the following in regard to employees;

“Violations of local ordinances or of state or federal laws regarding controlled and/or dangerous substances, including alcohol, by members of the University community may result in University disciplinary actions regardless of where such violations occur”.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The penalties for misconduct range from Probation to Dismissal. Typically, students who have violated the University Community Standards concerning Alcohol and Other Drugs can receive a series of sanctions both punitive and educational in nature. The goals for these sanctions are to educate the student and help them to assess their own behaviors. It is important that our conduct process not only engage the student in conversation about their behavior but also provide the necessary supports for behavioral change.

Health Risks

Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Some of the major risks are listed below. For more information contact Health Services at (973) 761-9175 or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (973) 761-9500.

Alcohol and Other Depressants (barbiturates, sedatives, and tranquilizers)

Addiction, accidents as a result of impaired ability and judgment, alcohol poisoning, overdose when used with other depressants, damage to a developing fetus, heart and liver damage.


Impair short-term memory, thinking, and physical coordination. Can cause panic reaction and increase the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Can interfere with judgment, attention span, concentration, and overall intellectual performance. Impairs driving ability. May cause psychological dependence and compromise the immune system.


Addiction, cardiovascular system damage including heart attack, brain damage, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants, such as speed and uppers.


Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, many of which are known to cause cancer. Nicotine, which is a central nervous system stimulant, produces an increase in heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, adrenaline production and metabolism. People can rapidly become physically and psychologically dependent on tobacco. Compromises the immune system.


Inhalants are a diverse group of chemicals that easily evaporate and can cause intoxication when their vapors are inhaled. Most inhalants are central nervous system depressants. Use of these drugs slows down many body functions. High does can cause severe breathing failure and sudden death. Chronic abuse of some of these chemicals can lead to irreversible liver damage and other health problems.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Adverse reactions, dependency, withdrawal, and overdose.

Treatment Options

A variety of resources exist for alcohol and other drug prevention education, counseling and referral. For detailed information concerning these resources available from the University and community agencies, students may contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (973) 761-9076, Health Services at (973) 761-9175 or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (973) 761-9500.

Individual Assessment and Counseling for Seton Hall University Students:

  • Early intervention, assessment, education and referral
  • Educational sessions for those concerned about alcohol or other drug use
  • Student Conduct Referrals (mandatory assessments)
  • Outreach programming for:
    • Issues in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Use
    • Adjustment to College
    • How to refer a student to Counseling
    • Helping a friend in need

Educational Programs

  • Kognito Module for Alcohol and Other Drug Use **
  • eCheck-up to Go (Marijuana, Alcohol)
  • Poster and Social Media Campaigns
  • KNOW MORE Peer Educator Programming
    • Alcohol Awareness Week
    • SOLO Cup Succulents (Alcohol education)
    • Study Hacks (Study-Drug education)
    • Glaze Don’t Blaze (Marijuana education)
    • Safe Halloween/St. Patrick’s Day/Super Bowl Sunday (Alcohol education)
  • Housing and Residence Life Programs

*Program discontinued following Spring 2020 semester
**Program discontinued following Spring 2021 semester


  • Matt Bellace – "How to Get High Naturally"
  • House Rules/Pirates Act (Alcohol and Other Drug and Bystander Intervention education)
  • Pirates Guide to Moving Off Campus
