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Seton Hall University Health and Medical Sciences
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Physician Assistant Program Estimated Costs

Physician Assistant Program Estimated Costs
Tuition $1,517 credit hour / 96 credits  $145,632
University fees - fulltime 3-year total  $960
Technology fees - fulltime 3-year total $1,560
Medical Equipment Purchased at orientation - approx. $1,250
Books Spread over 6 semesters - approx. $2,100
Parking 3-year total $1,125
CPR 1 time $70
ACLS 1 time $250
Background Check $72 yr / 3 years $216

Note: Some clinical placement sites may require additional background checks or drug screening. Students are responsible for costs incurred.

*Tuition and Fees generally subject to approximately a 3% annual increase.