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Seton Hall University

Performance Appraisal Responsibilities - What's Your Role?

Tasks within e_Appraisal

Employee Tasks

You may be assigned a task to write your self-appraisal based on Supervisor request.

After you have met with your Supervisor, you will add any Employee Comments and sign off.

First Line Supervisor Tasks

You will receive notification from Human Resources to launch the e-Appraisal process for your direct reports. This action will require you to decide whether you want your direct reports to complete a self-appraisal or not. This is a recommended step.

Along the way, the e-Appraisal tools of Coaching Tips, Comment Helper, Language and Spell Checker make the appraisal process more convenient.

Also, if necessary you can reach out to others for "third party" feedback. For example, if one of your direct reports reported to another supervisor at any time throughout the prior year, or if someone served on a committee and you want to have the chair of the committee provide feedback on the person's work, you can include them in the process by inviting them to provide third party feedback. You may also become the recipient of requests for "third party" feedback.

Once you launch the e-Appraisal process, keep alert to the notifications you will receive advising that you have a task to perform to keep the process moving toward timely completion.

After annotations from approvers have been reviewed and final comments added, the supervisor and employee meet. The employee may add comments at this time. Once the employee signs off, the e-Appraisal form is finalized. You will be prompted to review employee comments and sign-off. This completes the e-Appraisal process.

Next Level Approver Tasks

Review and approve.